engle-olson-vera's-orgin-story- (2 of 7).jpg
explore. nature. capture. moments.

we are engle olson



Two young souls, three cats, and a room full of camera equipment nestled in our cozy little home in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The quick version? We fell in love, fell out of our 9-5‘s, and decided to put all of our eggs in our own basket and created ENGLE // OLSON. Our aim was to create a company that spreads joy, and equality for all and is always focused on lifting up those we work with. We believe that life is for the living and not just for the working. This is us.





You'll never meet another soul like him. Gerick is a true original. He’s got a heart of gold, quick wit, and so much empathy he cries at every episode of Welcome to Wrexham. His love for cameras and shooting only matches his drive for personal growth. He's outgoing, caring, and cute, but I married the guy so I might be biased.

. dancing on my own .

A few fun Gerick facts:

  • he/him

  • When he grew he wanted to be either a stand up comic or a pro snowboarder - he likes to think he dabbles in both

  • went to Bozeman for a VIDEO degree, but graduated with a degree in snowboarding

  • the oldest of 3 boys - his mom is either a Saint or insane






MEET Jenny.

She is a real-life mix of Linda from Bob's Burgers + Ilana from Broad City, and she'll take that as a compliment. Happiest when recently fed, Jenny is a homebody who loves a good board game and has yet to find a craft ipa she doesn’t enjoy. Cheers!

. dancing in the dark .
bruce springsteen

a few fun jenny facts:

  • she/her

  • she loves a good Netflix + chill night

  • If Jenny could spend all her money on good beer + better food, she would

  • Wes Anderson has not made a movie she doesn’t like


  • a thrifty queen + a friend to the planet




 “I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.”

― David Attenborough


Hey! This is our fur baby,


We found this little nugget on the most random of whims. We were headed up north for a wedding and were spending the night at a friend's cabin the night before. Right before reaching the cabin, Gerick stopped on the side of the road to take a picture at an abandoned house in the middle of a cornfield...yeah he does that.⁠ Walking over to the house we spotted this little girl sunbathing in the window. ⁠

Despite my mom telling me not to take her with us because, honestly, what are you going to do with a cat you found while at a wedding, but we don't listen too well. It started raining and we immediately went back and rescued her. She emerged from the floorboards and ran to us and the rest is history.⁠

. what's new pussycat .
tom jones

a few fun vera facts:

  • she was found in an abandoned shack up north in 2016

  • Vera is an indoor / outdoor kitty in st. paul

  • she knows 2 tricks: sit + touch

  • our fav nickname for her is “nugget”





september 29th, 2017



This video is a brief summary of our entire lives up until the day we got hitched.

Huge thanks to our friends and family for being there to capture these moments as well as all being there in times of grief and struggle when the cameras were not rolling. We owe so much to you all and we can't tell you all enough how much we love our village.