Austin Trip

This past summer one Jenny’s high school friends got married in Texas and asked us to shoot the wedding. We, of course, jumped at the opportunity, despite the fact that Marchelle + Dan was trying to potentially kill us Minnesotans with a wedding in Austin, Texas in August. You are either good with the heat or you are not. Jenny is not.

We decided to make a long weekend with our friends who also were going down for the wedding. We had set up an Airbnb that canceled on us at the last minute and sent us into a bit of a panic. Trying to find a new rental spot for 16 people? But we did it and damn if it wasn’t perfect. Because of the last minute booking a mansion (yes, mansion) was available and available for cheap. We spent the next 3 days in a blur of pool time, tacos, drinking + spike ball tournaments. It was bliss.

As a group of extremely competitive humans, the scroll of photos you are about to see is mostly photos of us competing at various tasks: arm wrestling, dancing, spike ball + pool handstands. Enjoy!

harvest moon
. poolside .

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