Lady Vamp Artistry Look Book Volume 1

Lady or Vamp?

We don’t throw around the term “dream team” lightly but it’s a rare thing to get this much artistic talent in one room and we jumped on the chance to film this Look Book for Lady Vamp Artistry. Beyond being a phenomenal hair + makeup artist, Amber has style and vision to see the big picture. We talked on the phone about this shoot and together came up with a shooting style to showcase both the LADY and VAMP looks she wanted to showcase. The dresses, models, flowers, accessories, and music all came together effortlessly in the video and made the editing process so much fun.

We can’t say enough about our good friend Amber, please check her + her work out!

painting greys
. emmit fenn .

. photography .

Jenna Mahr Photography

. vendors .

music :: Painted Greys by Emmit Fenn + hair + makeup :: Lady Vamp Artistry + gowns + accessories :: The White Room + florals :: Sister Honey Floral Co + models :: Delaney Dekok + Olya Didenko + Dayna Slyvis + Emily Stiemsma + Kaylyn Webb + Renee Roth


Like the video? Think you could use one for your next project?